Change HostName in CentOS 7 / RHEL 7

Method 1 : nmcli

To view the current hostname :

# nmcli general hostname

To change the hostname to geeklab :

# nmcli general hostname geeklab

We need to restart the systemd-hostnamed service for the changes to take effect :

# service systemd-hostnamed restart

Re-login and erify the hostname change :

# hostname

Method 2 : nmtui

We can also change the hostname using the nmtui tool :


Select the option to “set the hostname” and hit enter

change hostname nmtui

Set the hostname

set hostname nmtui

Confirm the hostname change

confirm hostname nmtui

Restart the systemd-hostnamed service for the changes to take effect.

# service systemd-hostnamed restart

Re-login and verify the hostname change.

# hostnamectl
   Static hostname: geeklab
         Icon name: computer
           Chassis: n/a
        Machine ID: 55cc1c57c7f24ed0b0d352648024cea6
           Boot ID: a12ec8e04e6b4534841d14dc8425e38c
    Virtualization: vmware
  Operating System: CentOS Linux 7 (Core)
       CPE OS Name: cpe:/o:centos:centos:7
            Kernel: Linux 3.10.0-123.el7.x86_64
      Architecture: x86_64

Method 3 : Edit /etc/hostname

This method requires a reboot of the system. View the current content of the file /etc/hostname.

# cat /etc/hostname

To change the hostname to “geeklab”, replace the content of the /etc/hostname file with “geeklab”

# echo "geeklab" > /etc/hostname
# cat /etc/hostname

Restart the system and verify.

# shutdown -r now
# hostname
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